Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Well... It's been about a year and a half since my first post. Life, among other things, has happened in that span of time. I haven't gone live with a crane, but I think it's time. Stay tuned.

Confession: I did burn many of the cranes. It was really therapeutic.   And, I have to say, since that summer day, my life has changed in many ways (for the better).   I'm sure the hardworking individuals, my friends and family that slaved away making bags and bags of cranes weeks before the wedding, will be none too pleased.  To those who had indulged me and my request, toiled long hours after work, enduring paper cuts: Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Looking back, it was amazing to see so many involved.  How many were willing (or not so willing, but still obliged) to donate their time and dexterity to a couple whose marriage was probably over before it began.

My divorce is finally in the works, things are moving, albeit slowly. Life is not in order, but the knots are slowly coming loose.  One step at a time, they say.